Monday, September 22, 2008

Hey Guys!!

Hello Everyone!

Many of you have been asking about when we will start back up the weekly get together. I wanted to ask when is a good time for everyone???

Not sure how many of you are involved in a Community Group however, we could meet on Sunday evenings if that is OK for everyone. Let me know if that would be OK for everyone and we could meet up at the church building or another location. Let me know your thouhgts and we can go from there!!!


Thursday, July 31, 2008

Back Again!!!!!

Hey Guys!

I am so sorry I have not kept the blog up this summer. It seems as though time has just gotten away from me. The family and I have had a GREAT summer, as I hope all of you have. We had a fun-filled camping week in Colorado, followed by a quick business trip to Mass.

This was followed by a GREAT week of camp at Camp Evergreeen. I must tell you all I have taken a few months off to grow closer in my walk with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! He has rekindled my spirit and has sent me out once again to journey the Road. Look for upcoming entries on the blog. I hope and pray that this will become a place of openess and "oneness" with all of you. Please share the blog with everyone you can and engage in conversations with us. Hope you all are having a great summer and look forward to seeing you all again soon!!!

Steve W

Thursday, May 1, 2008

People Get Ready!!!!!

Hello to all you fellow ROAD warriors. I wanted to take a few minutes and bring you up to speed on a few things.

Remember this coming Wed night, will be our first night back together at South Plains. We will meet in the 20 Something's class at 7:00pm. Bring your traveling shoes for we will be going on several journies.

I also wanted to share some exciting news with you about a new ministry called The Blitz. The Blitz will take place June 20-22nd. The Blitz is a community outreach service project where we will do home repair and maintainence on homes within the community of Lubbock. The weekend will wrap-up with a Sunday "Main Event" to be held in the north lot of South Plains. This Sunday event will start at 3:00pm and run until 8:00pm or whenever. The day will consist of horseshoes, volleyball/nukeum tournaments, jumpers for the smaller children. A chuck-wagon style dinner and outdoor concert. We already have two groups that will be performing beginning at 5:00pm. Our very own Sharlan Proper and her group will perform from 5:00pm-6:00pm. The LCU group Hard Travelers will perform from 7:00pm-8:00pm.

This is going to be an AWESOME time together, and will give us an opportunity to live REAL LIFE with the community. This event is open to EVERYONE so please spread the word and let's make this time of fun and fellowship something our Father will be proud of. Also, get your vollebally and nukeum teams together for the big tournament. I look forward to seeing all of you on Wed night (if the Lord wills).


PS: Am I the only one that writes in the blog???? Come on peopleHAHAHA.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

There's NO PLACE like Home!

Yes you read that correctly, and no I am not refering to a small Kansas town following a rather long adventure in a strange land but then again, maybe I am!!

Several years ago when I was 20 years old, I longed to leave the friendly surroundings of Lubbock Texas and see some other parts of the country. I knew that if I could just leave Lubbock in pursuit of my adventure, I would find true happiness away from what I had always known. Mac Davis had a hit song in the 70's called "Lubbock in My Rearview Mirror". Just as Mac thought happiness was far away from his roots, so too did I and thought the military would be the adventure I needed. I joined the US Navy and spent some time in San Diego, CA. Man it doesn't get any better than that does it? Ocean, sunshine, NO WIND what could be better!

After a number of months being in San Diego, I was eating in a restauraunt and was ready to place my order. When the waiter arrived I ordered my meal, and thought I would have a nice piece of cornbread with my meal (since I had not tasted cornbread since leaving Lubbock). Well the time of truth had arrived. I received my meal just as I had ordered, everything was fine EXCEPT for one thing. As I looked over my meal I noticed something out of place. Sitting right above my plate was a seperate plate with a biscuit on it. Well seeing that this could not be correct I motioned for the waiter to come over. As he arrived I told him there must be some kind of mistake for I have ordered cornbread with my meal. Without hesitation the waiter replied "There is no mistake, that's it on the seperate plate". I was shocked!!! It was through the receiving of a biscuit that I longed for Lubbock SO MUCH, that I knew I had left what I had been missing...MYSELF!!!

All the things that I had longed for ALL OF MY LIFE, I had left in a heap back on the windy plains of West Texas in a town called "Lubbock". It wasn't until I left and carried through with my adventure for freedom that I realized, home is where your heart is. I know that is an old saying but isn't it true? What do you feel like when you travel back to your hometown? Maybe it's a smell, maybe it's seeing that the old convenience store is still standing and you remember saving up your allowance and going to that store for candy or a softdrink. Whatever it is, NOTHING can take the place of those roots so I take you back to the title of this entry "There's NO PLACE like Home!"

There was another that came to this realazation. Even though it is was a parable (example) it still holds true. Remember the parable Jesus taught of the prodigal son? Here was a child that had everything a father could give. Warm bed, plenty of food, inheritance beyond what ANYONE could imagine however, for the child it wasn't enough. The son has to leave and spread his greedy wings to find that what he has always looked for, he already possessed. Upon the son realizing he had lost everything he decided the only place he could go was...back home. But could he? How would be be received?Surely his father would punish him for all of his greedy, selfish desires. And of course there would have to be the arms folded reception with the words "I told you so!" But as much as he dreaded to go through all of that, he knew that he had no choice and was truly sorry for the man he once was. But something happened upon his arrival, he was welcomed home with open arms. I can almost see the vision in my head. Don't you know that each day EVERYDAY the father looked out over the horizon, waiting for the day His son would return? Day after day goes by, and the son dosen't appear. Each day the father awakes he tells himself "Today is the day my son shall return home". What the father longed for was a joyous reunion with His son however, what the son dreaded was coming home with his tail between his legs wondering how much he would have to suffer for his actions.

What the son received was "Triumph" what he deserved was "Tragedy". How many of you can relate to this story? Not from a worldly sense but rather from the relationship sense you have with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Some of you reading this may not even have a relationship with Him for you believe there is NO PLACE for you in the Father's house. Your past or perhaps your current lifestyle/methods/actions prevent you from being saved. I want you to have this picture in your mind and NEVER forget it. Our Father is standing at the gate, looking out over the horizon looking not for just anybody, He is looking for YOU! Each day starts with Him saying "Today is the day my Son/Daughter will come home!" He stands with arms open wide, with the feast fit for a King. He is not angry with you, He is not standing at the gate with arms folded ready to say "Come crawling back to me will you?". He stands ready to embrace and welcome you home with the love only a Father can give. What each of us must do is evaluate/acknowledge/believe that there truly is "No Place Like Home!"


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

News and Notes!!

Grace and Peace!

Let me first apologize for the delay in updating the blog. My schedule has been pretty full however, that is not an excuse just a nice attempt at an explanation HAHAHA. There are some new things getting ready to take place with The Road ministry and hope that you all will keep these changes in mind, and are able to join us.

First of all, we will be meeting in one of the classrooms at South Plains on Wed nights (we have made contact with the 20 something class to see if we could use their room on this evening). One of our ministry "team members" came up with the name of this class and it is called "Coffee with Jesus". The design of this class will be a very laid back, hands on approach to the study of God's Word and how He has a plan and a purpose for each one of our lives. There are several references and "visual" pictures of Jesus teaching while His disciples "reclined" around him. Have you ever thought what it would be like to "recline" with our Lord and discover the depth of His love and family type nature? "Coffee with Christ" will start meeting the first Wed nights in May. Check back with the blog for exact location.

In conjunction with "Coffee with Jesus". We will then do some type of activity or project on Thursday. This could be anything from Laser Tag to horseshoes. Each activity or project will go with the study we are engaged in and how we bring the Word of God to LIFE through action and obidience. I look forward to seeing all of you the beginning of May. Should you have questions before then, feel free to contact me at 790-8520.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Grace and Peace Everyone!

I wanted to remind you guys that I will not be with you on The Road this week in body, but will be with you in spirit. I am taking my lovely bride to Ruidoso and will be back on Saturday.

I also wanted to remind everyone that we will be meeting NEXT Thursday 3/13/08 at Main Event for a night of lazer tag. There is a great lesson in that game and I would like for all of us to experience it. Please invite all of your friends to join us. We will meet in the front entrance of the building at approx 6:45-7:00pm. I will send Linda a note and ask her to place the invitation in the bulletin. I will miss you guys Thursday. God Bless


Monday, February 25, 2008

The Road HITS the road!

Hey Everyone!

We wanted to let you guys know that The Road ministry will no longer be meeting at the South Plains Annex. Instead we will be meeting this week at 7:00pm at The Ice Cream Parlor located at 2705 26th Street. This may be a long term meeting place, we will let you know.

Come and join us for a night of praise, worship, study and perhaps even a hot fudge sundae. The reason we are taking The Road on the road is because we want to be out among the people. I have searched long and hard in God's word for the passage that states, the disciples sat around in tents with a neon sign overhead that read "Gospel preached here, Come on in!" It dosen't exist because instructed them to take the message OUT. GO and make disciples in all the nations. This only happens as we take the message out We pray that you will be able to join us, and look forward to seeingf you on the road!


Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Hello All!

I wanted to give you guys a few updates about things that have been going on with The Road ministry. Based on the lack of people wanting to be involved with the play The Gift, I have made the decision for us not to proceed at this time.

I also wanted to let you guys know that since tomorrow is Valentines Day, our regular Thursday night meeting will not take place. We will start back next week at our regular time and place. I also wanted to remind those of you that may be reading this blog about the upcoming marriage retreat. If you are interested in attending the dates are March 6th-9th. If you would like additional information please contact Rory McCrady at 786-1613. That is all for now, I pray that you all are focused on the prize at hand and that you continue to look "Up"!!!


Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Can it really be that 2007 has come and gone? Well one look at the calander will tell you indeed 2008 has arrived. With the passing of one year, and arrival of a new one it got me to asking a few questions.

Perhaps the most important question I asked myself is, what will my New Year's resolution be for this year? To get in better shape, go on a diet and drop those pounds I tell myself I don't really carry or take that long awaited vacation I have been putting off. All of these sound well and good, and indeed they are, however what begins as a "resolve" for change in my life gives way to lack of interest or laziness. Does any of this sound familiar to you? Each of us make a regular resolutuion or "resolve", to allow God to work in our lives and we start out with great intentions. But once we have taken a few "blows" from the evil one, does our resolve turn into being tired of fighting the battle? When we become tired something is taking place that shouldn't. WE are fighting battle instead of allowing the spirit God's spirit fight in our stead!!!

Galatians 5 speaks of the flesh waging war against the spirit, however if we walk in the spirit we will not give into the fleshly lusts of the world, why? Glad you asked, because it is not you working but rather the sprit of God working in you!!

So if you have made the resolve to lead a more spiritual life, to be that piece of the puzzle you are called to be. YOU must get out of the way so that the HE can increase! Happy New Year and may this year bring you more spiritual peace than the last!

Abide in HIM,