Wednesday, December 19, 2007

REAL Men do dishes, laundry, cook..........

For many years, I thought that my role in my marriage was to provide a stable, loving home for Charlene and our children. Although those things are true, it took me several years to realize that my duties as husband, friend, and partner didn't stop there.
It wasn't Charlene that helped me realize that there was more to my roles as husband and father.

I was perfectly content with patting myself on the back, because of the contributions I was making to our family. Charlene and the kids have a roof over their heads, food in their stomachs and a little "jingle" in their pockets to go to the movies or buy that special toy (Man, am I the greatest or what!). After a few years of going to the orthopedic doctor to help with the soreness in my arm from patting myself on the back so much, that Great Physician helped me to realize it had nothing to do with me, and had everything to do with Him! You see, what I had had interpreted as great selflessness was revealed to me to be the epitome of selfishness.

I was reminded of the great example Jesus displayed for His disciples in the gospels, before His death. Take a little journey with me and see if you can see yourself taking part in one of the greatest examples of extravagant love.

Jesus and His disciples just finished the last supper He would have with them, and He stood up and removed His garments. As He stands up, He takes a towel and pours water into a basin. At this time Jesus does something quite unexpected, at least from His disciples' standpoint, He begins to wash their feet. Think for a moment and perhaps you and I would have the same reaction as Peter. Here is the Messiah, the Lord, the Christ, and He stoops down to begin to wash Peter's feet. Peter says, "Are You washing my feet?" Our Lord, in true greatness replies, "Unless I wash you, you can have no part of Me." This example of servanthood is what I think of every single day!

Now back to The Road of discovery I was telling you about.

After the Lord revealed Himself through His Word, I realized my role as husband didn't stop where I previously thought. Those roles are where the Road begins. I must make sure my towel is always damp! If your towel is damp, it is an indication that Christ is living through you. The greatest among us is the least among us. If we want to be great in the kingdom, we must be a servant to all. Real men wash dishes, clothes, cook, clean etc. because it has nothing to do with me, and has everything to do with Him--Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

God Bless and Merry Christmas,
Steve W.

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