Monday, November 19, 2007

REJOICE and be Thankful!

I want to take just a few moments to provide some updates and schedule of "upcoming events" within The Road ministry:

We will not be meeting this coming Thursday (November 22nd) as that is Thanksgiving Evening. We will resume the following Thursday (November 29th).

I want to remind everyone about Thursday Night December 13th, as we will be watching a video testimony from Holocaust Survivor Peter Loth beginning at 6:30pm. Childcare is provided for our Thursday night worship time so come and join us.Please make every effort to come on this date if possible.

If you have not had an opportunity to join us on Thursday evenings, we invite you to join us for "hands on" biblical, applicable teaching that will help all of us to see our lives within the pages of God's Word. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at anytime 806-790-8520.

For those of you that were unable to join us this past Thursday night, we took a little stroll through Athens. However, I have a feeling that even though you may not have been with us physically, you most certainly take that stroll each and every day! Having said this let me ask you a question, Do your surroundings infulence your spiritual growth? Before you answer, let me paint a picture for you that we put into action this past Thursday night.
Imagine you are trying to grow/ develope a deeper relationship with God by reading His Word and meditating on what He says. However, during this time music is blarring in the background or perhaps the TV is on, or perhaps someone is trying to carry on a conversation with you that has absolutley nothing to do with the relationship you are trying to forge. Now imagine all of these going on at the same time and if you can, then you have a little insight about what it means to walk in Athens!!

A few years ago I planned a trip for Charlene and I for our 10th wedding anniversery. Charlene had never been to Las Vegas, so I thought I would take her there as a surprise. I made all of the arrangements; hotel,airline,activities the whole nine yards so off we went. Everything was fine with our flight no problems. We went to baggage claim and sure enough there were our bags no problem. We went out to the ground transportation location no problem, shuttle service pulled right up loaded our bags and off we went. However, once we were in route to our hotel Charlene and I were brought into a world we did not barrgin for. On most every billboard was an invitation to a bar, strip club, adult entertainment etc. Well as you can imagine, we were just a little surprised as this was not the trip we had purchased, we were brought into an inviornment we had not expected. Guess what, so did Paul on his journey to Athens!!!!

Paul has just been in Thesolinica and Berea with Timothy and Silas until, those who had become invious drove him out and he landed in Athens. Upon arrival in Athens Paul was placed in an inviornment that provoked the spirit within him. Let's look at the word provoked. His spirit was troubled, uneasy, uncomfortable within him and why was this? Because of his surroundings. Paul had entered into a world where anything goes, where Athenians had many different gods which they were worshiping (I guess they were trying to cover all their bases) however, it was the UNKNOWN GOD (Acts 17:23) that Paul was sent there to preach/witness and teach about.

I want to ask you, how many of us are walking in Athens today? How many of us walk in Athens and allow Athens to win? If we are honest with ourselves the truth is, we are all weak flesh and stumble on occasion on The Road. I want to ask you how many of us travel up the hill and speak to those around us about the truth of salvation through Jesus Christ? God will provide you with your very own Areopagus (platform) to be His mouth piece the question is, will you take the journey for Him?

This time of season reminds me that maybe my bank account isn't as plentiful as I might like, or maybe I didn't get that big promotion at work, or that perhaps I might be spending this Thanksgiving season without my spouse for the first time after God has called them home. But in whatever situation you find yourself this holiday season, remember that God is with you and even though sometimes He might allow us to walk through Athens, He has already provided direction for us that leads back to His gentle, loving forving arms. Amen

God Bless,
Steve Winters

PS: God is moving through The Road ministry and He has placed a special "Journey" on my heart over the last fews days. If you would like to travel this journey with us, join us Thursday Night November 29th to find out what it is. All I can tell you at this point is come prepared to "move" as opposed to "sitting". See ya Thursday!!!!!!


Vanessa Davis said...

Hi Guys

I walk in Athens each and everyday and my surroundings make me uneasy at times as well as uncomfortable.

Athens tends to wins. I know that the Lord will provide the direction and will be faithfull.

Vanessa Davis

Su said...

I think Paul knew exactly what he was getting into.

Unfortunately, in this day Christians have a tendency to remove ourselves from the world as much as we can instead of focusing on being salt and light where God has placed us. By this I mean, we live in "nice" neighbourhoods, only spend time with other Christians, keep the kids away from questionable influences, etc. Not all these things are bad, but there again, if I'm completely insulated from the world, where is my opportunity to influnce it?

It is possible Paul had the same sheltered childhood that I had. Perhaps he only spent time with other Jewish boys who were destined to become Pharisees. I'm sure the early part of his adult life was spent in the company of other "holy" people. But that changed on the road to Damascus. After that, Paul rubbed shoulders with worldy people everywhere he went, spreading salt and light as he went.

(Wow, this is getting long.) After Athens, Paul went to Corinth, which as I understand it, was the immorality capital of the ancient world. Vegas + Amsterdam + a bit more immorality for good measure = Corinth, and that's the mission field that Paul spent 18 months in.

If we step into the world with eyes shut and naivete intact, then we will be taken by surprise, and Athens (or Corinth, or Vegas, or Lubbock) has a much better chance of winning. But if we go out knowing what we are facing, prepared with the Word, and secure that the Lord will direct our steps, then we can take Athens!

Remember the Acapella song that starts, "Are we walking into the enemy camp, laying our weapons down?" We DO NOT want to do that. Pick up your sword, put in the time on your knees and get after it.

Chadwick said...

I offer a thought...

Paul was in Athens to proclaim the gospel to the God-fearing. And he was always prepared to give an account of the hope that he had, but with gentleness and reverence.

Can I walk in East Lubbock at night? Alone? Paul could. He was never alone. The gospel is the power of God for Salvation. Salvation is freedom from ignorance and fear. If I can't love my neighbor who doesn't love me, how can I love my enemy who hates me?

As we head into the Christmas season, do we celebrate baby Jesus born to die or baby Jesus born to reign?

Happy Thanksgiving everyone and I hope we all have opportunity to encourage someone today.