Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Share the Antidote!!!!

With many of us being around family and friends this week whom perhaps we have not seen in a long time, I thought what better opportunity to share the gift of forgiveness through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Many of us may have a difficult time in knowing just how we are start up a conversation about Jesus, and the FREE gift He offers. With this in mind, I would like to share with you the "Antidote" annalogy. A great way of introducing Jesus and helping them see how His gift applies to my life is to start a conversation by asking the following questions...

"If you, being my family member or friend, were bitten by a poisionous snake and needed 'antidote' to save your life, how desperate would you be to receive that 'antidote'? Now, say after you had been bitten, you found out I had the 'antidote' all along, however I never gave it to you or shared it with you, how would that make you feel?" Another example is to ask a family member or friend this next question. "What if you or someone you loved was dying from a terminal illness (cancer, HIV, etc) and you found out I had knowledge of the cure for that terminal disease, would you want me to share that knowledge with you, or would you just like for me to keep it to myself and not share?"

Well in both of these cases I am pretty sure the response you will receive is, "YES!" This message should be shared. At this point, you can share with the person based on their response, that you would like to introduce them to the "Antidote" for their eternal salvation. It is important that people realize that all of us were bitten by the poisionous snake, satan (this is not a typo I REFUSE to capitalize that name), and that each of us were once terminally ill and sentenced to death. However, through the "Antidote" Jesus Christ, we are cured and have confidence in our salvation through His sacrifice! Be strengthened and be of good courage for He is with you!


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